Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri

Ricerca finalizzata

Le ricerche finalizzate si prefiggono obiettivi di approfondimento di tematiche proprie della sanità pubblica veterinaria e della sicurezza alimentare, le quali rispondono ad indirizzi prioritari del Ministero della Salute, emanati annualmente per mezzo di specifici bandi.

Le ricerche proposte sono esaminate da una commissione di esperti nazionali, realizzate secondo un dettagliato programma plurifasico ed attuate anche mediante convenzioni con università e istituti di ricerca italiani e stranieri


  • Ricerca finalizzata

2007 (IZSLT Capofila)

  • “Plant and Virus-Derived Vaccine Vectors to Leishmaniasis and Toxoplasmosis”, responsabile dott.ssa Gladia Macrì;

 2008 (IZSLT UO)

  • “Fisheries products and food safety: studying on traceability issues and risk communication concerning mercury contamination”, Responsable UO dott.ssa Cavallina Roberta;
  • “Development of nanotechnological methods (biosensores) to detect hidden allergens in animal and vegetable origin food”, responsabile UO dott.ssa Maria Concetta Campagna;
  • “Application of innovative techniques (OMICS) and classical analytical tecniques for detectione of biomarkers and residues of illecit treatmens of bovines with growth promoting agents”, responsabile UO dott. Bruno Neri;
  • “Algal toxins contaminating water and fish products of Italian fresh and marine waters: monitoring, characterization and study of innovative methods”, responsabile UO dott. Luigi Lanni;

 2009 (IZSLT Capofila)

  • “Development of guidelines, management system and new Methodologies for GMOs traceability, own- checks procedures and official control in the food and feed supply chain with respect to EU legal requirements”, resposnabile Ugo Marchesi;

 2009 (IZSLT UO)

  • ”New and emerging vector borne infectious disease in Italy: epidemiology, surveillance, diagnosis and impact on the safety of blood and organ donations”, responsabile UO dott. Gian Luca Autorino;

 2010 (IZSLT UO)

  • ”Food irridiation: quality and detection of plant origin food with health benefits”, responsabile UO dott.ssa Lavinia Alfieri.




2009 (IZSLT Capofila)

  • “Development of analytical methods to identify treatments with recombinant somatotropin buffalos”, principal investigator dott. Lorenzo Castigliego;

2010 (IZSLT Capofila)

  • “Climate, global drivers and immunodeficiency: effects on the leishmaniosis transmission patterns in Central Italy and appropriate diagnostic flow charts”, Principal investigator dott.ssa Simona Gabrielli;
  • “Development of novel DNA- based analytical methods for bacteria detection to improve food safety”, principal investigator dott. Francesco Ricci;

2011 (IZSLT Capofila)

  • “Development of a rapid, fast and low-cost analytical kit to evaluate quality and safety of milk and dairy products”, principal investigator dott. Loris Leboffe

2013 (IZSLT UO)

  • “Antimicrobial and immuno-stimulating activity of essential oils extracted by a new supercritical fluid method for reducing the risk of antimicrobial drug resistance in aquaculture. Impact on environmental pollution, animal welfare and food safety. Focus on in vitro and in vivo efficacy of Ocimum basilicum essential oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) affected by Lactococcus garvieae. Validation of treatment protocols” UO dott.ssa Patricia Alba Alderete;

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