The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri offers a service of titration of antibodies against rabies virus. This page shows operating instructions for a correct sampling and submittal of the sample.
The Institute is one of three laboratories in Italy, authorized the execution of the test for the titration of antibody following vaccination against the Rabies Virus. The list of the authorized laboratories, which is constantly updated, is also available on the website of the The european union
Titolazione-anticorpi-vaccino-Rabbia-Vaccine-antibody-titr… (1)
- Info withdrawal
- Suitability of the sample
- The forms of accompaniment, and the provision
- Report times
- Information on the handling of the animals
- Other link
- Blood samples should be taken from a licensed veterinarian, in the case of Italy by a veterinarian or freelancer.
- The sampling for titration must be done 30 days after vaccination.
- The samples must be clearly identified with a microchip or n° of tattoo of the animal.
- The samples sent, via courier, should ideally be transported at a controlled Temperature of 4°C, or even lower (for the whey).
- It is preferable to send only the serum (about 1.5 ml) of the blood sample taken, to avoid the progressive hemolysis of the sample. Whole blood samples (from which was separated serum) should never be frozen, otherwise they are not eligible to be examined.
- The serum sample must contain an amount at least equal to 1.5 ml. Must not show hemolysis (broken red blood cells, with the consequent increase of the constituents of the intracellular into the extracellular space which can cause interference with the analytical procedure). To decrease the possibility that the sample may present hemolysis avoid putting the blood does not sierato directly in contact with the hotplate, if the eutectic, also called siberino or a cube of ice, used for the maintenance of the refrigeration temperature. Must not be lipaemic serum; to decrease the possibility that it may be lipaemic serum execute the withdrawal in a fasting state. Must not be “cooked”; so do not expose it to high temperatures during storage and transport.
Sample hemolized
Sample “Cooked”
Sample Lipaemic Serum
Attach the completed form in all its parts, together with the receipt of the payment (see terms of payment) of the samples that are not accompanied by the above documents (form filled in correctly and payment receipt) will not be accepted. Send the sample by priority mail or courier (important: for samples originating from third countries: in order to avoid that the sample is blocked at the border, please refer to the courier identified the procedures for the shipment of the package, making sure that it runs the customs clearance and delivery is made “ex-recipient”. Any costs of customs clearance are the responsibility of the applicant The samples must be sent to the following address: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Lazio e Toscana – Via Appia Nuova, 1411 – 00178 Roma – Italia The samples may be conferred by the owner by hand directly in the Institute in the nearest office. At the time of delivery of the Acceptance, the sample is possibly sierato (if received whole blood) and in any case subjected to a suitability assessment. (See suitability of the sample)
To organize the diagnostic activity, please inform the laboratory sending the sample via one of the following mail::
The directions apply to movements for non-commercial pet animals (an animal of a species listed in annex I of the REGULATION (EU) No 576/2013 OF the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF the COUNCIL which accompanies its owner or an authorised person during a movement of the non-commercial and which remains under the responsibility of the owner or of the person authorized for the duration of the movement non-commercial); introduced into a member State from another member State or from a territory or a third country.
In general , it is mandatory to:
- The subject identification using an electronic identification system (microchip or transponder) or tattoo, (if, however, applied before the 03 July 2011)
- Be in possession of a personal passport or identification document of the animal represented by a health certificate (from third countries) issued by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority.
For more detailed information, please consult the website of the The ministry of Health and/or contact the embassy of the destination country.
Links to sites that show the directions of travel to other countries
The most frequently asked questions about rabies
(Only Italian language)
Times and Locations
- Sede Centrale
- Latina
- Rieti
- Viterbo
- Firenze
- Arezzo
- Grosseto
- Pisa
- Siena
- Via Appia Nuova, 1411 – 00178 Roma (Capannelle)
- Lun – Ven: 7:30-13:00 / 14:00-16:00 Sab: 7:30-12:30
- +39 06 790991
- +39 06 79340724
- Strada Congiunte Destre snc – 04100 Latina
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar – Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00; Sab: 8:00-12:00;
- +39 0773 489218
- +39 0773 668960
- Via Tancia, 21 – 02100 Rieti
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar – Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00;
- +39 0746 201599
- +39 0746 201642
- Strada Terme – 01100 Viterbo
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar – Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00; Sab: 8:00-12:00;
- +39 0761 250147
- +39 0761 251794
- Via di Castelpulci – 50010 San Martino alla Palma (FI)
- Lun – Ven: 8:30-13:30 Mar / Gio: 8:30-13:30 / 14:30-16:30
- Contatti telefonici
- +39 055 7311323
- Via U. della Faggiola – 52100 Arezzo
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar – Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:0 Sabato: o8.00-12.00
- +39 0575 22263
- +39 0575 23850
- Viale Europa, 30 – 58100 Grosseto
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar / Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00;
- +39 0564 456249
- +39 0564 451990
- S.S. dell’Abetone e del Brennero, 4 – 56123 Pisa
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar / Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00; Sab: 8:00-13:00;
- +39 050 553563
- +39 050 550615
- Viale Toselli, 12 – 53100 Siena
- Lun – Ven: 8:00-13:00; Mar / Gio: 8:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00; Sab: 8:00-12:00;
- +39 0577 41352
- +39 0577 271015