New Papers and Guidelines on GBPs and BMBs

FAO, IZSLT, Apimondia and CAAS. 2021. Good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture. FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines No. 25. Rome.

FAO and IZSLT. 2021. Responsible use of antimicrobials in beekeeping. FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines No. 26. Rome, FAO.

FAO, Apimondia, IZSLT. 2021. Visual manual on good beekeeping practices for small-scale beekeepers in Africa. TECA – Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers, 2. Rome.

Di Ruggiero, C.; Mezher, Z.; Mutinelli, F.; De Carolis, A.; Pocci, N.; Formato, G. Updates on the Mobile Divider and Its Use in Calabria Region to Monitor and Control Aethina tumida Infestation. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 10637.

Cersini, Antonella, Pietropaoli, Marco, Pietrella, Gabriele, Rivera-Gomis, Jorge, Federico, Giovanni, Tofani, Silvia, Conti, Raffaella, Rubino, Roberta C., Di Ruggiero, Camilla and Formato, Giovanni. “New Matrixes to Diagnose Presence at Apiary Level” Journal of Apicultural Science, vol.0, no.0, 2021, pp.-

Formato, G.; Federico, G.; Di Ruggiero, C.; Pietropaoli, M.; Milito, M.; Mutinelli, F. Definition of a Protocol to Manage and Officially Confirm SHB Presence in Sentinel Honeybee Colonies. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8260.

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