
Beekeepers, let’s improve bee health!

Are you a beekeeper?

Please help us to improve bee health by answering a few questions. Your opinion is important to us.


The BPRACTICES team invites you to participate in a series of surveys to assess beekeeper’s knowledge on:

  • main honey bee diseases and how to prevent them;
  • the risks of overuse and misuse of antibiotics.

Any beekeeper using moveable frame hives from any part of the world is invited to participate. You can participate in all or any of the 3 surveys and responses will remain anonymous.

The surveys are elaborated and conducted by the Appalachian University within the context of the EU-funded project BPractices, with the technical support of Apimondia, the Animal Production and Health Division of FAO and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana.

The results of the surveys will be used to help governments and industry in providing adequate support to the beekeeping sector in order to fight the spread of the diseases and prevent antimicrobial resistance in beekeeping. The results will be also shared on FAO’s Knowledge Exchange Platform TECA during a moderated discussion towards the end of 2019.

Take the survey!

The surveys can be accessed from the following links:

Survey on Varroa management GBPs and BMBs
Survey on antimicrobial resistance and related practices
Survey on honey bees infectious diseases and related practices

The survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete, and you can always check your progress with the bar at the top of the screen. Translations of the surveys in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish will soon be available.

Feel free to share this invitation with your networks around the world.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

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