Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri

Regional reference laboratory for foodborne diseases (LRMTA)

The Regional Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Diseases (LRMTA) was formally recognized by the Lazio Region with Regional Determination no. G06447 of 28 May 2021 at the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lazio and Tuscany “M. Aleandri”.

The LRMTA belongs to the “Food Microbiology” Complex Operative Unit of the IZSLT and carries out the following activities:

Provides support to Local Health Authorities in the organization of food and environmental sampling in the event of investigations for Foodborne Diseases (MTA)
Performs a liaison function between the various divisions of the Services involved during the collection of information during MTA investigations
It interfaces with the Food Microbiology Laboratories of the IZSLT Headquarters and Territorial Operational Units (UOT) for the recovery of the results relating to the tests carried out on the samples taken as part of the MTA investigations
In collaboration with the Food Biotechnology Laboratory, it carries out molecular typing tests, whole genome sequencing in NGS and bioinformatics analyzes starting from the genomic sequence data of isolates of food, environmental and human origin collected by the Regional Reference Center for Pathogenic Enterobacteria (CREP) and by the Regional Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Pathogens of Human Origin (LRPTAU), for the verification of belonging to epidemic outbreaks and for the identification of sources of food and environmental contamination
It sends the reports of the investigations carried out to the following Institutions:
SERESMI (Regional Service for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases)
Lazio Region (Health Promotion and Prevention Area-Regional Directorate of Health and Social-Health Integration)
Ministry of Health (General Directorate for Health Prevention/Office 5 – Prevention of Communicable Diseases and International Prophylaxis and General Directorate for Hygiene and Food Safety and Nutrition/Office 8 – Alert System, Food Emergencies and Control Planning)
Health facilities and Local Health Authorities involved
Manages relations with the Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ  (ISS) to guarantee the national and international levels of surveillance of the MTA
Participates in the Regional Group for the management of MTAs (Regional Organization Act n. G12436 of 12 October 2021)

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