“Main bee diseases: good beekeeping practices” [Publication]
BPRACTICES team contributed to the release of the publication “Main bee diseases: good beekeeping practices”, produced by FAO’s Knowledge Platform TECA (Technologies and Practices for Small Agricultural Producers) as a thematic catalogue for smallholder farmers to promote innovation.
This new catalogue offers a set of information sheets on good beekeeping practices (GBPs) for the main bee diseases to help beekeepers, and all relevant figures involved (i.e. Veterinarians, and those providing advisory services to beekeepers), to correctly identify honeybee diseases, apply the appropriate treatment and to prevent them.
The GBPs have been developed in collaboration with Apimondia, the Institute Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana together with BPRACTICES’s partners.
The publication is available for download on FAO TECA and BPRACTICES websites – section “Dissemination”.